Tech Focus: Building the Case for TrialPad

Posted by stewartrichardson
- Posted in Blog
Documents are an essential component of every law firm and every trial. Organizing, accessing and effectively displaying the information within these documents is essential to presenting your case. Here at Stewart Richardson, we’ve found the TrialPad app to be invaluable for many of the attorneys and paralegals we work with in performing these tasks. So much so, that we’ve trained our sales staff on the ins and outs of TrialPad in order to help our clients get the most out of this powerful presentation tool.
What Is TrialPad?
TrialPad is an Apple app built specifically for law firms to store, access, and present documents, photos and videos right from an iPad. Imagine all your document folders, neatly categorized and accessible for instant and professional display, all in one small, portable device. It can actually make hauling exhibit binders and banker boxes to depositions, arbitrations and trials a thing of the past!
Powerful Presentation Capabilities
The major strength of this app is its powerful presentation capabilities, which enable you to create callouts, highlight text, compare documents side-by-side, edit and show video clips, and more. TrialPad makes it easy to organize, categorize and access documents so they’re easy to find and display on demand. And naturally, the portability of the iPad makes TrialPad super convenient for busy, on-the-move legal professionals. It’s also affordable and eco-friendly, thanks to its ability to greatly reduce the need for multiple document hard copies.
3 Ways TrialPad Can Enhance Your Effectiveness
1) Present Your Case Easily and Effectively
TrialPad enables you to present documents and videos easily, reliably and professionally. This makes it an ideal presentation tool for evidentiary hearings, depositions, and trials.
2) Organize Documents and Multimedia
The amount of sheer information a law firm deals with on a daily basis can be daunting! TrialPad can help you keep that information organized.
3) Access the Information You Need
Organization is only half the battle. We understand that finding the information you need, when you need it, is critical to effectively presenting your case. TrialPad puts it all at your fingertips.
Because we understand your trial and litigation needs, our sales staff can guide you through the many functions of TrialPad to make the most of its capabilities. If you’re interested in setting up a group presentation or one-on-one assistance to learn more about TrialPad, CONTACT US TODAY