Stewart Richardson Court Reporter Spotlight – Maria Wainwright
- Posted by stewartrichardson
- Posted in BlogCourt ReportingStaff Spotlight
Every month, we take a look at some of the talented people that help make Stewart Richardson Deposition Services a company dedicated to quality. This month, we talked to Maria Wainwright, one of our most experienced court reporters.
Maria Wainwright has worked as a court reporter since 1978
Q: What is your job title?
Freelance court reporter
Q: How long have you been at Stewart Richardson Deposition Services?
I have been here for 38 years. I came when I was fresh out of school. My first job was in Phoenix for approximately nine months. I came to Stewart Richardson Deposition Services in January of 1978 and have been here since.
Q: What are your job responsibilities?
I report and then prepare a verbatim transcript of everything that is said in whatever setting we are assigned to. As freelance reporters, we handle hearings, arbitrations, depositions and trials when called upon. Freelance reporters are different than official court reporters because we work for a firm who sends us out to various venues to report, while official reporters work for the state or federal government and are strictly keepers of the record in a courtroom setting.
Q: What is the best part of working at Stewart Richardson Deposition Services?
Working here has been what I consider a gift from God. I have never felt the need to move on in my career to any other firm. The group of people who work there are great team players, always seeking to help one another when push comes to shove, and I could not even fathom working anywhere else. The office staff is absolutely stellar at what they do. Most of all, though, our president, Tom Richardson, has created a feeling of family at Stewart Richardson Deposition Services and that is probably the part I like best.
Q: What is one piece of advice you would give to someone just starting out as a court reporter?
I suppose a piece of advice I would give to a new court reporter is to appreciate what you have here. This age of technology has enabled us to do our job in a way that is most efficient. We have been given the best of the best to help support our work. Always appreciate the office staff and what they do for us. Be grateful and gracious when you have made their job harder because of a mistake you have made.